Project “Open Integration 2011”
( Nr. IF/2009./1.5./32)
Time: Mar, 2011 – Jun, 2011
Funding: Total funding of LVL 29 108,44, 75% of the European Fund for the Integration Fund and 25% of the state budget.
Project aims: Implement specific measures for third country nationals (children, young people, women, older people, people with low levels of education and those with special needs), taking into their special needs.Audience:
1) Preschool children of third-country nationals,
2) Moms of preschool children of third-country nationals,
3) Grand parents of preschool children of third-country nationals.
Main activities: pre-school age child care, educational classes (Latvian language training) in children and mothers, activities for children and families, psychological classes and support groups for mothers spoken language clubs, interest groups, grandparents, project communications efforts.
Results: Implementation of the project updated the importance of integration between the Latvian native and third-country nationals. The project will be developed in the integration of third-country nationals center for preschool children, their mothers and grandparents providing information, education, psychological support and babysitting services.
Project co-financed by the EU